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Thursday, 9 February 2012

Siddha System of Medicines In Tamilnadu & Pondicherry

Siddha System is one of the ancient traditional systems of medicine in India. Siddhars the spiritual scientists of Tamil land are the founding fathers of this scientific system.

According to Siddha System the human body is the replica of the universe  so are the food  and drugs irrespective of their origin. Siddha system believes that all objects in the universe including human body are composed of five basic primordial elements, namely earth, water, fire, air and space.  The human body is a conglomeration of three humors and seven physical components. The Food is considered to be basic building material of human body, which gets processed into humors, tissues and wastes.  The equilibrium of humors, body tissues and waste products is considered as health and its disturbance or imbalance leads to disease or pathologic state.

This system also deals with the concept of immortality and salvation in this life. The exponents of this system consider that achievement of this state is possible by regulated diet, medicine and processing of mind by yogic or spiritual exercises like meditation and yoga.

Siddhars described 96 principles as the constituents of Human Being. They include Physical, Physiological, Mental and Intellectual components of a person. They are nothing but the manifestations of the " Five Basic Elements ".

Disease is a condition in which there is imbalance in the "Five Elements, which alters the "Three Rogams " which is also reflected in the seven physical constituents. The change disturbs the equilibrium and cause disease.

The basic concept of Siddha system of medicine is

" Food is Medicine - Medicine is Food"

Saint Thiruvalluvar says

" Miginum Kuraiyinum Noi Seyyum Noolor
Vali Mudhala Enniya Moondru "

"Wind, bile and phlegm three cause disease
so Doctors deem it more or less"

" Noi Naadi Noi Mudhal Naadi Athu thanikkum
Vaai Naadi Vayppa Seyal."

"Test disease, its causes and cure
and apply remedy that is sure"
-  Thiruvalluvar.

It is always essential to identify the cause for any disease to be accepted as a “Scientific method " The Diagnostic methodology in Siddha Treatment is unique as it is made purely on the basis of the " Clinical Acumen " of the Physician. He examines the Tongue, complexion, speech, eyes, palpation in a patient and he also examines the urine and stools. The diagnosis is then confirmed by the " Pulse Diagnosis ".  The above approach is collectively known as “Eight types of examinations". However, the Siddha Physician now also accepts the modern diagnostic methods for the purpose of diagnosis.

The following line of treatment  have been in practice in Siddha medicine.

Using medicines like Choornam, Kudineer, Vadagam etc. made of  herbs.

Surgical methods like incision, excision, heat application, blood letting and leech application etc.

Physiotherapy - Thokkanam  and Varma,  the Siddha way of   Touch therapy, Medicated Oil application , Fomentation, herbal steam bath etc.

Using medicines  like Parpam, Chenduram,  Chuxnam etc . made of  minerals especially of metals.

Siddhars , with their clarified and intuitive intellect resulting from their yogic powers explored the nature and exploited the natural resources for the sake of humanity. They documented their findings about the characteristics of plants , metals,  minerals and animal products. They documented all their findings in the form of poems for the use of  posterity. Knowledge was transmitted from Guru to disciples. Their boundless knowledge on the properties of drugs, purification, processing, heat application, fixing dosage , toxicity , antidote and clinical application is astonishing  the modern scientific world.

The Siddha System is capable of treating all types of chronic diseases especially arthritis, skin problems urinary tract disorders, infertility , degenerative disorders like osteo arthritis , Senile Dementia, disease of  the  liver, medicinally treatable  Spinal  disorders ,general  debility ,diarrhea and intractable  allergic disorders..


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